Learn to read Latin and study Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Cicero, Caesar and more.

Career Opportunities
- Anthropologist
- Business Administrator
- Psychologist
- Sociologist
- Researcher
- Teacher
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Undergraduate Programs
BA in Latin
In the Latin Baccalaureate program, students achieve advanced reading proficiency in Latin and take a series of elective courses in Latin Literature and Roman History. Students also complement their study of Latin by taking one year of Ancient Greek.
BA in Latin with Teacher Certification in Latin (Preschool-Grade 12)
This program combines the required courses for the BA in Latin with those required for Teacher Certification in Latin for grades P-12. Students will graduate with the qualifications to follow their passion and become certified Latin teachers.
Minor in Latin
The Minor in Latin is an eighteen-credit program available to undergraduate students from any major. Students will achieve advanced reading proficiency in Latin.
Graduate Programs
Instructional Certification – Subject Area Certification (Preschool – Grade 12)
Students with a baccalaureate degree who are interested in teaching Latin may pursue the post-baccalaureate program for teacher certification. Students design a course of study with their advisor to meet State and University certification standards. This program is also open to certified teachers who want to earn a second certification in Latin.